Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 64
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 64
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 240
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 240
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant SEC_KEY - assumed 'SEC_KEY'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 240
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 64
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 64
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 24
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 24
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant SEC_KEY - assumed 'SEC_KEY'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 24
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 64
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 64
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 27
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 27
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant SEC_KEY - assumed 'SEC_KEY'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 27
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
1 风机轴承振动超标
(1)叶片非工作面积灰 这类缺陷常见于磨机引风机,现象主要表现为风机运行中振动突然上升。这是因为当气体进入叶轮时,与旋转叶片工作面存在一定角度,按流体力学原理,气体在叶片非工作面一定有旋涡产生,气体中灰粒在旋涡作用下会慢慢沉积到非工作面上。机翼型叶片易积灰。当积灰达到一定重量时叶轮旋转离心力作用将一部分大块积灰甩出叶轮。各叶片上积灰不可,能完全均匀一致,聚集或可甩走灰块时间不一定同步,结果叶片积灰不均匀导致叶轮质量分布不平衡,使风机振动增大。这种情况下,通常只需把叶片上积灰铲除,叶轮又将重新达到平衡,减少风机振动。实际工作中,通常处理方法是临时停机后打开风机机壳人孔门,检修人员进入机壳内清除叶轮上的积灰。但这样环境恶劣,存在不安全因素,造成机组非计划停运,检修时间长,劳动强度大。
(2)风道系统振动导致引风机振动 烟、风道振动通常会引起风机受迫振动,风机出口扩散筒随负荷增大,进、出风量增大,振动也会随之改变。反之,风机进风口进风面积不平均,如挡板开闭不统一,也会引起叶轮振动。
(3)动、静部分相碰引起风机振动 生产实际中引起动、静部分相碰的主要原因有:
① 叶轮和进风口(集流器)不在同一轴线上。
② 运行时间长后进风口损坏、变形。
③ 叶轮松动使叶轮晃动度大。
④ 轴与轴承松动。
⑤ 轴承损坏。
⑥ 主轴弯曲。
2 轴承温度高
② 冷却风机小,冷却风量不足。轴承箱没有有效冷却,轴承温度会升高,比较简单同时又节约厂用电的解决方法是轮毂侧轴承设置压缩空气冷却,当温度低时可以不开启压缩空气冷却,温度高时开启压缩空气冷却。
③ 确认不存在上述问题后再检查轴承箱。
3 其他故障
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 64
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 64
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 36
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 36
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant SEC_KEY - assumed 'SEC_KEY'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 36
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 64
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 64
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 36
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 36
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant SEC_KEY - assumed 'SEC_KEY'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 36
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once