Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 64
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 64
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 240
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 240
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant SEC_KEY - assumed 'SEC_KEY'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 240
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 64
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 64
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 24
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 24
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant SEC_KEY - assumed 'SEC_KEY'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 24
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 64
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 64
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 27
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 27
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant SEC_KEY - assumed 'SEC_KEY'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 27
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
主机型号:中速机MAN 12V40/54
功率:4900 kW
转速: 400 r/min
19日晚抵达神户锚地,20日靠码头后由日本某船厂工人上船进行拆检。又发现No.5道主轴承下瓦有拉毛呈线状露铜,轴颈还呈兰色;经红外探伤、测硬度等均无大问题。对轴颈人工抛光后,换上备用的下瓦。接着对No. 4道主轴承进行拆检,发现其下轴承也拉伤严重,但没有烧毁,轴颈也没有发蓝。
1. 该轮从接船到发生事故,主机滑油已使用了55000小时(说明书规定36000小时换新),每次只根据消耗情况加补新油。因此,滑油超期使用,氧化变质,性能发生变化,失去正常润滑作用,导致主轴承、连杆轴承烧毁。
2. 该轮主机曲拐箱很脏,沉积较多的油泥,循环油柜的油泥更多。主机运行中,脏污滑油在循环中造成滤器脏堵阻力增加,加大压力冲洗,致使滤器芯破损,滑油中的杂质进入滑油系统,造成轴承异常磨损。
1. 中速机的滑油使用时间,应该严格控制,禁止超时使用;
2. 定期清洁主机曲拐箱和循环油柜。一般情况下,每三年左右对循环油柜进行人工清洁,清除油泥和杂质;
3. 定期送交油样化验,及时掌握滑油性能情况,发现问题,及时处理或换新;
4. 主机运行中,对主轴承温度普遍升高,要引起高度重视。应认真比较、分析排查,并及时采取减速、停车检查等措施查明原因。避免烧损轴承、曲轴的恶生事故发生。
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 64
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 64
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 36
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 36
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant SEC_KEY - assumed 'SEC_KEY'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 36
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 64
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 64
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 36
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant APP_ID - assumed 'APP_ID'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 36
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Use of undefined constant SEC_KEY - assumed 'SEC_KEY'
Filename: database/translate.php
Line Number: 69
File: D:\database\translate.php
Line: 69
Function: _error_handler
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\views\news\knowledgePage.php
Line: 36
Function: lang
File: D:\wwwroot\\application\controllers\news.php
Line: 248
Function: view
File: D:\wwwroot\\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once